From the Source:


A number of years ago when I was visiting with a good friend in China, he questioned me about why I teach others my secrets to success, especially those that help me in my business.

A number of years ago when I was visiting with a good friend in China, he questioned me about why I teach others my secrets to success, especially those that help me in my business.

“In China we have a saying,” I replied. “In America I have a saying , ‘If you teach someone what your secrets, maybe tomorrow …. No food.”

He didn’t quite understand.

So I gave him a rundown of many mega successful people who have made veritable fortunes teaching their secrets – as well as the list of their students who have ALSO benefited greatly. I gave him the WIN WIN situations. Yet, all he could think of, based upon his upbringing, was WIN-LOSE.

In the cooperative mindset your job in business is to get along with as many people as you can – in a spirit of perfect harmony – and by so doing, discover that everyone benefits; everyone WINS.

Note: Key words in the above are “perfect harmony.” This means that if someone in the relationship does something to upset the balance of harmony – whether it be sneaky or overt – cooperation no longer exists. One of the people has gone into competitive mode.

Ironically, the cooperative mindset is more powerful than the competitive; yet, those who have been programmed to believe that it is ALL about competition will be difficult to change. I should know. After 30 + years as a competitive wrestler and martial artist, making the switch was not easy. But make it I did – and I’m all the better for it. So are my students who have benefited from what I’ve taught them – and in return, as a show of gratitude, have bestowed even more gifts upon me.

Now, there are pitfalls in the cooperative mindset. Without a doubt you will meet those who “pretend” to be like-minded, yet they are not. You’ll meet those who want to take advantage of your nature, steal all they can from you, and so on.

All I can say is that you will encounter “problem people” whether you are in the competitive or cooperative mindset. The key thing is to understand is that when you’re in harmony with yourself (and most people are not), you’ll more quickly recognize the non-harmonious fellow and at first sign of trouble you’ll know to cut him off. I still have to do this myself – yet it would be unwise to never teach anyone because of the manners of a few bad apples.